
The Soldier and The Assassin Part 7

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(Gabi’s POV)

After I yelled at Steve Bucky walked out into the light with Fury and Hill. I sigh and look at them.

“It’s better if they do not get involved,” Fury says, “this mission is too important.”

“I know sir,” I say.

My mission is to infiltrate Hydra with Bucky to get information and to destroy them from the inside. Fury thought it would be better to send in two former Hydra agents to do the job than anyone else, so Bucky and I must do it. Our alibi, we wanted to get information on the Avengers, but were soon found out and had to leave.

“Rumlow will be here soon,” Hill says, “you two better get ready.”

“Right,” Bucky and I say in unison.

Fury and Hill soon leave and we get ready. Not even five minutes after we finish getting ready Rumlow shows up.

“This is perfect,” Brock says, “both weapons are coming back.”

Bucky and I just stare at him with blank faces and eyes.

“Since the Captain knows of this place we must destroy it.”

“Already ahead of you sir,” I say, “the place is rigged to explode in three minutes.”

“Excellent work Shadow. Now let’s move.”

We all head out and jump to the next building’s roof just as my ‘apartment’ explodes. As we walk away I look down to see the others heading back towards the fake apartment building. I smile sadly and we head off.

(Steve’s POV )

“Ellie!!” I yell seeing the place burning.

“Rumlow….he had to be the one that did this,” Rhodey says.

“Find him,” Clint says, “he is going to pay for hurting my little sister.”

We head back to the tower and begin searching for Rumlow, it is not easy to do. On the sixth week Fury calls in Clint and Wanda to discuss something, something about a mission. After that they became more secretive, even Wanda was keeping it from Pietro which is not normal for her to do.

“Ok, what are Wanda and Clint hiding?” Sam asks watching the two talk at the island in the kitchen.

“Who knows,” Tony says, “they have been keeping secrets for a month now, ever since Gabrielle died.”

“I don’t like it,” Natasha says, “Fury told them something and it is obviously important.”

“Yea and they do nothing to help us,” Rhodey says, “Pietro, do you know anything?”

“I overheard them say something about Gabrielle, Bucky and a mission,” Pietro replies.

“What?” I ask. Now that I think about it, I haven’t seen Bucky since the fire.

“Ok, something is up,” Tony says, “and I know just who to ask about it.”

“Who?” We ask.

“Coulson. If Cap asks he will tell.”

“I don’t know Tony,” I say.

“Ok, we will just ignore the fact the Fury never had a funeral for Gabi, never found her body and so on.”

“Ok fine, I will ask.”

That night I go to see Coulson when I notice he is in a meeting with Clint and Wanda.

“Is she ok?” Clint asks.

“She says she has been feeling ill for a few weeks, but other than that she’s been fine,” Coulson answers.

“How much longer are Bucky and Gabrielle vill be on this mission?” Wanda asks.

My eyes widen, Gabrielle is on a mission? Why didn’t they tell us? Why keep it from us for a month?

“Steve, I know you are out zhere,” I hear Wanda say.

I gulp and walk into the room.

“I guess you would have found out sooner or later,” Coulson says, “We gave James and Gabrielle a mission to infiltrate Hydra and the mission will last another month or two.”

“Another month or two?” I ask, “why didn’t you tell us?”

“We couldn’t jeprodize their cover, if we did they both would have been killed.”

“I am going to have to tell the team.”


After returning to the tower I told the others about the mission, to say the least they were not happy about it. I’m worried, Gabrielle is on a very dangerous mission and she isn’t feeling well. I just want her back here with me.

(Gabi’s POV)

“On your right!” Bucky yells at me.

I shoot the three guys on my right as we make our way away from the base. After three months we were found out, mostly thanks to my sickness which turns out that I’m pregnant with Steve’s child.

“How much farther!?” I call to Bucky.

“About another five miles!”

I groan, I’m two months along and I do not need this shit to ruin that. As we make a way to Coulson and the jet we take down any hydra agent we come across. We finally get to the jet and we head back to the tower. I relax, I cannot wait to see everyone and tell them the great news. Once we get to the tower we head to living room to see everyone.

“Gabrielle!” Everyone smiles.

“Hi,” i smile back.

Steve runs to me and picks me up and kisses me. I kiss back.

“Steve, I have news.”

“What is it?” He asks worried.

“Steve, I’m pregnant. With your child.”
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